Novel technique could simplify the use of MS in clinical laboratories

Written by Cameron Low, Future Science Group

A team of researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine (CA, USA) and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IN, USA) have demonstrated that paper spray ionization, coupled to tandem MS, is suitable for clinical diagnostic use. The team utilized the novel technique for therapeutic drug monitoring of tacrolimus. The research was published recently in the journal Clinica Chimica Acta.

Paper spray MS is a new approach that simplifies the use of MS in clinical labs, as there is no need for HPLC and sample preparation. Instead, the method uses simple automated apparatus to generate ions and introduce them into mass spectrometry.

“Paper spray mass spectrometry is a new approach that eliminates almost all of the steps commonly required for sample preparation. Also, because the extraction and ionization steps are contained within a single disposable cartridge, the analytical process is essentially what we in the clinical laboratory call ‘random access’ (specimens are tested as they arrive, and are not held to be run in batches),” stated James D Faix, Clinical Professor of Pathology at Stanford University and one of the authors of the report.

Prosolia’s (IN, USA) Velox 360™, which is based on the Paper Spray technology invented at Purdue University (IN, USA), can hold 40 discrete sample (Paper Spray) cartridges in one magazine rack. The technology provides fully automated analyte elution and ionization and is capable of processing just a few microliters of fluid for quantitative analysis of drugs.

“The Velox 360 creates advantages for laboratory-dependent organizations in reducing the complexity of analytical workflows and providing the capability of processing only a few microliters of blood instead of typical milliliter quantities. This capability opens up new possibilities for these laboratories as demonstrated in this seminal publication by Drs Shi and Manicke,“ commented Justin Wiseman, Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer of Prosolia.

Sources: Shi RZ, El Gierari ET, Manicke NE, Faix JD. Rapid measurement of tacrolimus in whole blood by paper spray-tandem mass spectrometry (PS-MS/MS). Clinica Chimica Act, 441, 99–104 (2015); Prosolia’s Paper Spray tandem mass spectrometry (PS-MS/MS) enables random access sample testing.