Poster: extended sensitivity of microfluidic immunoassays for pharmacokinetic and biomarker analysis

Since its introduction, the nanoliter-scale Gyrolab® microfluidic immunoassay platform has been widely accepted as an essential analytical technology in biotherapeutic development due to its wide dynamic range, automated time savings, and robust performance. Recently, the Gyrolab Bioaffy™ 4000 CD with increased sample volume has been introduced to expand assay sensitivity 2- to 6-fold beyond the current 6-log dynamic range. In this poster, cytokine panel standard curves (IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha) and PK assays for tocilizumab and pembrolizumab, are presented. The results demonstrate sensitivity down to low pg/mL levels with the Gyrolab Bioaffy 4000 CD, further extending the utility of Gyrolab immunoassays into biomarker analysis and PK assays where high sensitivity is required.

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