Beyond anti-idiotypes: high specificity bioanalytical antibodies for challenging targets

Available on demand

Learn how you can accelerate the development of pharmacokinetic (PK) and anti-drug antibody (ADA) assays for challenging targets with Bio-Rad’s bioanalytical reagents and services

When working with bioanalytical antibodies for challenging targets, you want to rely on high-quality, reproducible results. Bio-Rad’s scientists have developed antibodies against different types of biologics including, challenging targets such as AAV, fusion proteins or truncated antigens. Our industry-leading set of bioanalytical solutions is built on decades of experience and can help you build confidence in your results.

What will you learn?Who may this interest?Speaker

What will you learn?

  • Bio-Rad’s innovative solutions for bioanalysis
  • Why Bio-Rad’s recombinant antibodies are integral for the industry
  • How Bio-Rad’s highly specific bioanalytical antibodies can help you with challenging targets

Who may this interest?

  • Bioanalytical scientists
  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology professionals
  • Contract research organizations
  • Laboratory managers


Paul Royle
Technical Sales Manager Custom Antibodies
Bio-Rad Laboratories

Paul Royle is the Technical Sales Manager for Bio-Rad’s Custom Antibody Service and has been with Bio-Rad’s antibody division for over 8 years. Prior to this he worked in an immunology diagnostics company for almost 7 years. Paul holds a degree and PhD from the University of Nottingham (UK), and has postdoctoral research experience from the University of Warwick (UK).


This webinar was recorded on Thursday 23 March 2023.

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