How robust and reproducible micro elution sample preparation devices can help address the challenges within bioanalytical workflows

Bioanalytical and clinical research laboratories are tasked with providing high quality analytical results from complex biological samples in a high throughput environment while complying with strict legislation. These demands are compounded by the continued drive to higher potency drugs and long acting formulations which continue to push the required quantification limits to lower levels. The growth of biopharmaceuticals also brings into consideration additional analytical challenges such as solvation and non-specific binding.

In this presentation we will discuss how new developments in the design of micro elution SPE formats can help meet these challenges.

What will you learn:

  • The challenges faced by modern bioanalytical and clinical research laboratories to provide high quality analytical results from complex biological samples in a high throughput environment while complying with strict legislation.
  • How advances in micro elution sample preparation technology helps meet these needs.

Who should attend:

  • Head of bioanalytical/clinical research groups
  • Bioanalytical/clinical research laboratory managers
  • Bioanalytical/clinical research method developers.

Panelist biography:


Mike Oliver
Global Product Manager for Sample Preparation
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Mike Oliver is the Global Product Manager for Sample Preparation at Thermo Fisher Scientific and is based in the United Kingdom. Since 2010, Mike has worked for two MS vendors over a 9-year period, being responsible for biotechnology sales within the UK and providing application solutions for proteomic and metabolic workflows based on high-resolution LC-MS platforms. Mike holds a PhD in MS and Biochemistry from the MS Research Unit, University of Wales, Swansea, UK.