Precision oncology: an interview with Karina Eterovic

This In the Zone podcast, guided by Dr Karina Eterovic, Eurofins-Viracor (KS, USA), explores how precision oncology is currently utilized in the bioanalytical field, the use of liquid biopsies to support these studies and the major challenges impacting drug development. 

About the speaker

Karina Eterovic, PhD
R&D Director, Oncology and Sequencing
Eurofins-Viracor (KS, USA)

Karina is the R&D Director for Oncology and Sequencing at Eurofins-Viracor, where she leads a team which develops and validates tests that support both cancer care and drug development. Prior to this, Karina was an Associate Professor at MD Anderson Cancer Center (TX, USA), where she led the Cancer Genomics Laboratory within the Institute for Personalized Cancer Therapy (both TX, USA). Karina has over 12 years of experience in cancer genomics and precision oncology and has many publications in the field.


Fill out the short form below to get Karina’s insight into the following questions:

  1. What exactly is precision oncology? [0:59]
  2. What technological advancements have been made through this increased focus on precision oncology? [1:51]
  3. How critical is the bioinformatics component for interpretation and obtaining actionable results? [3:28]
  4. Can you explain what a liquid biopsy is and how they can be used within this field? [6:30]
  5. What are the main differences between using liquid biopsies for early detection versus later on in the diagnostic process? [8:12]
  6. What are the main challenges that we face during drug development? [9:30]


This interview is a part of our In the Zone feature with Eurofins Viracor on clinical development for oncology. For more expert opinions on this topic, visit our feature homepage

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