Bioanalysis Rising Star Award finalist: Sebastien Boridy
BRSA nominee 2019 banners_MPU 300X250 SBThe winner will be announced in the coming months! Follow Bioanalysis Zone on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to be the first to find out the winner!

Nominated by: Marie-Soleil Piche, Charles River Laboratories (Montreal, Canada); [email protected]

Supporting comments:
“Sebastien leads the immunogenicity group at the Montreal Charles River facility. Over the past 2-3 years, he has been actively involved in the AAPS community by providing feedback on our practices and experience with various immunogenicity programs. His contribution was even highlighted by people from the immunogenicity community. Indeed, he has been highlighted as an active member of the AAPS community and was asked to be one of the key experts for a discussion on pre-existing antibodies. He also gave a presentation at the AAPS conference on the same subject, which was well received. From a mentoring perspective, he has also been involved in giving courses at McGill to undergraduate students in order to expose them to the field of immunogenicity in the context of drug development. He also recently mentored a master’s student, who completed at the end of 2018 her degree (her project was on the development of nAb bioassays).

Sebastien also worked in harmonizing the activities in the immunogenicity group at the Montreal site and also across the Charles River organization. He maintains a positive environment for his employees and encourages their participation in various initiatives in the immunogenicity field (participation to workshops, conferences, presentation of posters, etc). This contributes in developing the group and increasing the knowledge of the employees. He also shares his expertise whenever needed with his staff, members of the immunogenicity community as well as with his colleagues from the other CRL sites. For example, he helped 2 of the smaller CRL sites to build their lab and develop their immunogenicity services.

Sebastien is starting to be recognized in the immunogenicity field as being a key player with good ideas. I see that he definitely has potential to continue this growth as he will become more and more involved in the immunogenicity scientific community.”

1Describe the main highlights of your bioanalytical work.

  1. Part of AAPS working groups and active member
  2. Mentoring of master students (1 student recently graduated following completion of her project in my laboratory)
  3. Teaching courses at McGill University. These courses are specifically aimed at teaching undergraduate students what immunogenicity means in drug development
  4. Participation / presentation at AAPS, CHI immunogenicity summit and WRIB
  5. Lead for the immunogenicity group at Charles River Montreal (team of 11 scientists)